Couple questions game: 85 questions you must ask your boyfriend!

couple questions game


The taboo thing in love is to be sulky. If you don’t say anything but keep it in your heart, it’s easy for lovers to have dissatisfaction. So how to promote each other’s relationship? We have shared before how couples with different zodiac signs should get along, but in fact the simplest and most common way is to play the couple questions game. The couple questions game allows both parties to truly sit down and communicate easily and freely. If you have anything you want to know, just ask it. This not only brings you closer to each other, but also allows you to understand each other better! Below we will share the following couple questions game questions~

PS:How do couples of different zodiac signs get along?


couple questions game

Couple questions game junior version

  • What were you thinking when you made me angry?
  • Do you have the determination that I am who I am and will not change?
  • What is your biggest fear in intimate relationships?
  • What’s the funniest thing about dating?
  • What is the easiest reason for a breakup for you?
  • What’s your weirdest fetish?
  • What’s the perfect weekend?
  • What’s the most embarrassing fact about you that I need to know?
  • What was your nickname as a child?
  • What’s your favorite movie?
  • Describe your worst date?
  • What would you do if you didn’t need money in this world?
  • what is your favourite food?
  • What are your three favorite colors? Why?

couple questions game

  • What is your dream job?
  • If you were thrown on an uninhabited island for 3 days, what would you take with you?
  • Who do you admire most? Why?
  • Do you prefer Android phones or Apple phones?
  • Where do you throw toilet paper when you run out?
  • What is your best talent?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Would you consider getting married naked?
  • How many children do you hope to have in the future?
  • Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
  • If you could remove one bad thing from the world, what would it be?
  • What is the hardest thing for you to let go of?
  • What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
  • If you had the chance, which country would you like to settle in?
  • If you could change one part of your body, where would it be?
  • What are your most common daydreams?

couple questions game

Couple questions game advanced version

  • What have I done to make you feel that I love you especially?
  • What have I done that you cannot accept?
  • Do you like me more or love me more?
  • Do you feel more dependent on me, or do you feel more fresh?
  • Do you like me more now, or are you more accustomed to me?
  • Are you happy when you are with me?
  • What do you think is the most hurtful thing to say during an argument?
  • Do you think there’s anything specifically wrong with me?
  • Will you choose the person you love or the person who loves you?
  • If you heard something bad about me from someone else, would you believe it?
  • If we had a quarrel, how would you resolve it?
  • Do you mind my shortcomings?
  • If I don’t like a shortcoming in you, will you change it for me?
  • Do you care what I think?
  • Can you accept my occasional unreasonable troubles?
  • Have you ever thought about what our future looks like?

couple questions game

Couple questions game ultimate version

  • Since you’ve been with me, have you ever envied other people’s relationships?
  • Do you compare your own feelings with other people’s feelings?
  • What words did I say that hurt you the most?
  • If your best friend was cheated on, would you tell him and how?
  • If we had an argument, would you want a third party to intervene?
  • What do you think we have in common?
  • How is your relationship with your loved ones?
  • Do you think I am your responsibility now? Do you feel stressed?
  • What would you do if your mother and I had a fight?
  • Will they care about each other’s past experiences?
  • Is there a moment when you feel sorry for the other person?
  • Which of our fights impressed you the most?
  • Do you think it is necessary to have occasional heart-to-heart talks?
  • Do you think I’m clingy in a relationship?
  • Will you notice if I’m angry?
  • If you have something unhappy, will you tell me and we can solve it together?
  • Tell me what you think of the Cold War?
  • Do you think the little details in love are important?
  • What age do you think is the most appropriate age to get married?

couple questions game

Couple questions game final boss version

  • What would you do if we really weren’t a good fit?
  • What were your criteria for choosing a mate before you met me?
  • What do you think is the most important thing for two people to be together?
  • Is your ideal love like ours?
  • What if we have nothing to talk about?
  • What is your favorite moment of mine?
  • Do you believe more in love at first sight or love over time?
  • Have you ever thought about when you would take me to meet my parents?
  • Do you have the urge to marry me for a moment?
  • Do you feel that I have given you enough security?
  • Would you rather me be more clingy or more sensible?
  • What do you think would happen if we separated?
  • What would you do if you met someone who moved your heart again after being together?
  • If we finally separate, will we miss you?
  • Looking forward to our future life? What exactly does it look like?
  • What do you think it should be like for a person to truly like another person?
  • Do you ever feel uncomfortable while communicating with each other?
  • If I accidentally make you angry, will you have a cold war with me?

The couple questions game can help couples understand each other’s preferences, values, hobbies and interests more deeply. Sometimes the other party may hide some true feelings, but through the couple questions game, you can use the game to express the things and emotions you usually care about and promote the development of the couple’s relationship.

You can also use the couple questions game to test each other’s plans for your future and their attitude towards important things in the future, so as to increase the tacit understanding and intimacy between you. The most important thing about the couple questions game is that it can bring laughter and fun, allowing couples to enjoy a happy and relaxed atmosphere in the game, increasing their happiness.

Of course, there are other ways to enhance communication and feelings between couples. If you are interested, you can read the following article for reference!

The secret to true love: couple bracelets!(2)

8 ideas for couples photoshoot: Be sure to take the most beautiful photos!


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