Analysis of Smile Love Test Results (2)

smile dating tests

Navy blue smiley face, yellow smiley face, purple smiley face

Navy blue smiley face

People with navy blue smiles are very discerning and good at catering to their lovers’ moods. I hope to have a calm and humble relationship. I hope the date will not affect one’s private life. She is very independent and will not complain to her lover.

I think that if we share hard things, one person’s fatigue will become two people’s fatigue. I like to be recognized by others, and I will be very touched if my lover often praises me. Small things often touch people, so small that they may not be noticeable at all. If you think you are innocent when quarreling with your lover, you will choose to break up. If your lover doesn’t keep his promise on time, he will be very disappointed.

Smile dating tests

Yellow smiley face

People with yellow smiles are good at falling in love. Do not stop those who are leaving, nor stop those who are approaching. She pays more attention to her appearance and dressing style than her personality. She likes impromptu and dynamic dates. It’s easy to speak and act too directly when dating. It’s easy to start a fight if old scores are reopened.

If you feel bored during a relationship, you will suddenly consider breaking up. After a breakup, you will think that “people are forgotten.” The type that is most unlikely to be overly clingy or clingy.

Purple smiley

People with purple smiles often feel lonely, and love and ambiguity are not easy for them. Your fickleness makes everyone around you worry. But the process from ambiguity to love went smoothly. If you have a lover around you, you like to show off on social media.

You are super discerning and know how to take care of others and are good at expressing yourself. When dating, they would say impromptu words such as “Let’s do this together” and “Let’s do that together.” So if the other party can accept your impromptu approach, they will keep in touch.

smile dating tests

Smile Dating Test Results Analysis

There are two best partners for people with navy blue smiles, namely yellow smiles and purple smiles.

People with navy blue smiles and people with yellow smiles are extremely independent people in relationships. One is responsible for the romance in life, and the other will not be angry even if it is dull. Neither party is too clingy and both have high emotional intelligence.

People with navy blue smiles and people with purple smiles are mutually successful. People with purple smiles often feel lonely and want companionship, while people with navy smiles can quickly sense their partner’s emotional changes and provide them with companionship. People with navy blue smiles are easily moved by praise from their partners, while people with purple smiles are very willing to share their love life and are never stingy with praise. This kind of love has direct emotional value!

Beige smiley vs. mint green smiley

Beige smiley face

People with beige smiley faces will think it is a waste of time when they date a person of the opposite sex that they are not interested in. The type of person who will devote himself wholeheartedly to the person he likes. You will always feel exhausted in the early stages of a relationship. In a relationship, you need to use private time to recharge yourself. I hope to have a relationship that respects each other’s bottom lines and slowly deepens the relationship.

Emotional expression is somewhat weak and clumsy. When lovers complain about their troubles, they will provide corresponding solutions. I like to express my thoughts freely when conflicts arise. I especially hate listening to the other person nagging.

smile dating tests

Mint green smiley face

If you have someone you like, you won’t reveal it. It takes time to think. I enjoy it when I am ambiguous, but I also feel depressed at the same time. As soon as you start expressing yourself, you will become more proactive step by step. When you are in love, you often make dating plans and take the lead in dating.

People who are passionate about their work are easily attracted to people who take their work seriously. I like to be noticed, so I also want to gain the approval of my lover in every detail. So I like people who are passionate and expressive.

Once you feel that you have become a burden to your lover, you will consider breaking up. If you get too emotional during a quarrel, it can easily hurt your feelings. If the other person is feeling cold but doesn’t express it, and the coldness continues, he will feel depressed.

Smile Dating Test Results Analysis

People with beige smiley faces and mint green people are people who will not start a relationship hastily. Starting a relationship must be after careful consideration. And in the relationship, the two agreed not to invest too much, both parties should work and have their own private space.

Mint green people will feel very depressed if a quarrel is not resolved in time, while beige smiling people like to express their thoughts readily when conflicts arise, and will provide corresponding solutions when lovers express their troubles.

Blue smiley face and green smiley face

Blue smiley

Although people with blue smiles have high vision, they are also the type to fall in love easily. He is very proactive in front of the people he likes and wants to date as soon as possible. He has leadership skills, so he often takes the initiative to lead appointments. When lovers have troubles, they will give them ways to help solve the problems.

Sometimes I focus more on my work than my love. Even if you are in love, you hope that the other person will respect your private life. I would be very touched if my lover is familiar with a field that I don’t know and can provide a certain solution. When you have a conflict with your lover, you will first consider ways to solve the problem. I can’t understand overly emotional behavior under conflict.

smile dating tests

Green smiley face

People with green smiley faces rarely like anyone in particular. Before dating, you pay more attention to the other person’s way of thinking and conversation style than their appearance. Hopefully, the interests and concerns of both parties are aligned. If they are hot and cold, they will 100% stay away from each other.

Instead of serious love, I prefer interesting love. If the chat topic is outside my scope of interest, my lover’s words will occasionally go in one ear and out the other. When conflicts arise, only the facts are often stated. So even if you don’t care much about me, as long as you can understand me easily, that’s fine. If the other person invades my private life and wants to control me, I will get angry.

Smile Dating Test Results Analysis

People with blue smiles are very capable of leadership and are very proactive in love. They will arrange everything in advance before dating, while green smiles can’t stand the neglect of lovers the most, which is a perfect match for blue smiles.

When faced with disputes, people with blue smiles will be the first to calmly think about the problem, actively solve the problem, and are very able to understand their lover’s feelings.

smile dating tests


The above is the analysis of the best partners in all smile dating tests. You are welcome to actively discuss in the comment area to see where your soul mate is.



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