Power couple quotes: struggle for power between husband and wife

power couple quotes

Couple power struggle

Power is almost everywhere. It is not just a product of political struggle or corporate competition, but exists in all interpersonal relationships, including the most intimate relationships between lovers and parents and children. Even the closer the relationship, the more intense the power struggle. For example, a couple’s quarrel is a hidden power struggle.

power couple quotes

Scientific research shows that relative power brought by social status does not determine marital happiness, but individual satisfaction with power in a marital relationship is the secret to happiness. Some good power couple quotes can make the two people share the same ideas and have the same rhythm.

Before sharing power couple quotes, let’s answer some questions about power couple

power couple quotes

Is there equality of power between husband and wife?

Personal power concept

Early surveys show that there is little absolute power equality between couples. In most cases, men have more final decision-making power than women. This means that throughout much of history, wives had to compromise on many issues. With the progress of society, this phenomenon is changing. One of the manifestations is the introduction of the concept of personal power.

power couple quotes

Personal power refers to the ability to influence your partner’s thoughts and behaviors and to successfully resist their influence. It largely represents a person’s degree of autonomy and freedom in a marital relationship.

On the other hand, a sense of personal power is also the reason why many people choose to be single. Because being single means 100% autonomy and freedom. There are also many references to the issue of freedom between couples in power couple quotes.

power couple

Can two people have the final say at the same time?

The findings show that the German men who participated in the survey still have more relative power based on higher income and education. This means that in terms of objective conditions, there is still a certain gap in the decision-making power between men and women. In terms of power motivation, there are obvious gender differences between men and women. Men have a stronger desire to make decisions than women.

power couple quotes

Interestingly, however, this did not seem to affect the quality of these couples’ marriages. In other words, social status and the desire for power cannot determine whether a person is happy in a marriage. Most couples feel they have similar influence and say in decision-making. In addition, both parties believed that they had considerable power in their previous marriages. This means that, to some extent, both spouses feel they can do whatever they want in the marriage.


Researchers believe that joint decision-making between two people does not have to be an either-or game. Each person may seek influence in different aspects of the marriage, and each person may have areas that he or she considers very important. In other words, as long as you can have the right to speak in areas that you think are important and achieve satisfaction, it will not affect the happiness of the couple! Power couple quotes also require two people to supervise each other to be effective.

power couple quotes

In short, in marriage, as long as both men and women respect each other and have the right to make decisions and speak in their own fields, they can live in harmony and the rights of husband and wife are equal! Below we will share some power couple quotes about getting along as a couple.


Power couple quotes: daily interactions

  • In a harmonious family, at least one of every couple is a “fool.”
  • In a happy marriage, each person should respect each other’s interests and hobbies. It is the most absurd idea to think that two people can have the same thoughts, the same judgments, and the same desires.
  • The secret to a long-term relationship with the one you love is to give up the idea of changing the person you love.
  • Trust is the most important quality two people share in a marriage and is indispensable for a happy, growing relationship.
  • To maintain the goodwill between husband and wife, both parties should be more condescending to each other, and each must not keep their own personality and hobbies.
  • For the continuation of love and the happiness of marriage, the wife must please her husband, and the husband must please his wife. As for how to please, it is an advanced art.

power couple

Power couple quotes: husband and wife relationship

  • The most ideal relationship between a husband and wife is one that is intimate with appropriate distance, frank and yet retains some confidentiality, so that they can be in love and have their own personal world.
  • If a wife wants to hold her husband tightly in her arms and want him to stand out, there is no such thing as a cheap thing in the world.
  • Wise couples strive to keep each other in their natural state. Since you choose the other person, you should let the other person maintain their own personality and use their own strengths.
  • In family life, disagreements and disputes are inevitable. At this time, you must know how to give in. Non-principled issues should be treated with humility.
  • Married people live with half-open eyes and half-closed eyes. There are no perfect men and women in the world. If you keep your eyes open for too long, or look into the magic mirror for too long, I am afraid that even God will be able to find faults.

power couple quotes

  • The ancients said that we should treat each other with respect as a guest. This can be done when you are newly married. You need to pay more attention to it later in life. You must not look at each other’s shortcomings more and more later. In front of everyone, you should especially pay attention to respecting each other.
  • Husband and wife must understand each other. If you make a mistake, be tolerant and forgive it.
  • The most valuable things in a married life are sincerity, trust and consideration.
  • Equality between husband and wife is the foundation for a happy family. In a family, whether men are superior to women or women are inferior to men, there can be no harmony and happiness in the relationship between husband and wife.

power couple quotes

Power couple quotes: couple progress

  • Husband and wife are like strings on the same piano. They vibrate harmoniously in the same melody, but they are independent of each other.
    Do not compare your spouse with someone of the opposite sex who is better than your spouse.
  • Do not tell any lies, use any deceit, or do anything to deceive each other. If you accidentally tell a lie or do something dishonest, you should admit it to the other party immediately and never lie to cover it up again. Establish excellent credibility with each other. This can avoid many troubles, sins and dangers between the two of them.

  • When encountering unpleasant things in life, both parties should be considerate, gentle, and comfort each other. They must not accuse, complain, or hurt each other’s feelings.
  • Everyone has shortcomings and strengths. See more of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and concentrate on learning. If each other complements each other’s strengths and weaknesses, the relationship will become stronger.
  • Accommodation, tolerance, surrender, acceptance, adaptation, forgiveness, understanding, compromise, resilience, and acceptance of fate can be trained in marriage and love.

The above is the trend of this issue of power couple quotes. Power couple quotes are just a standard. As long as two people’s love for each other remains unchanged, power couple quotes don’t have to be followed deliberately. After all, truth comes from life!

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